Davao bloggers’ party hangover

Congratulations to the organizers of the Davao Bloggers’ Party #1!

(Photo grabbed from Alleba blog and Village Idiot Savant)

I think from the start to finish line it was success painted on the wall. Organizers were expecting around 30 bloggers and the attendance sheet yielded 52 Davao bloggers who came and “partyed”.

I really tried to be just a spectator at the party, but I saw myself either interviewing, meeting new friends, or eyeing the white Google shirt that Village Idiot Savant won or the black Joomla shirt Wyzemoro grabbed from a friend.

It was the first time I went to a gathering that started from the internet. In the strictest sense, it was an EB (eyeball). You can’t help but be amazed at the idea you are actually meeting supposedly anonymous or at least distant bloggers. I came with Che and Tyron of Davao Today.com. Adam’s Reef, Lunaticarl, and Mr. Clean Slate did not make it.

It was a good time for Davao’s bloggers to meet who they read or skip everyday.

I know this post will not give justice to the “happenings” in the gathering. It was a lot fun, however, than all I could textualize or verbalize for now (what can you get from a sleepy head, ha?)

But since you skipped the party, you’ll just have to contend with this blah blah.

Want a clue why it was also worth it? Take some of these inputs we got: a presentation about adsense among other stuff from Google’s only employee in the Philippines; an illustration on how to libel-proof one’s blog, how to get more traffic and a come on to the Third Philippine Bloggers Summit in Manila, suggestions on how to make your blog earn money for you, and many more!

As for the gimmick, organizers gave away some gifts like shirts, note books, among others for winners of some contests. They even gave “for fun” awards to unique blogs and pitched the possibility of a serious and bigger Davao Bloggers’ Award someday.

The best attraction of the party, however, was the presence of the bloggers. The digital snubs in blogospherica (I coined that five minutes ago), or lurkers, crossed the border to Earth and dealt with earthlings LIVE!

Digital Filipino.com blogger said it was the first successful gathering of bloggers outside of Manila.

Now that’s history!

By the way, finger foods were served with Pop Cola soda and beer flowed dutch treat. Of course I survived Jerry’s (of Bisaya Bloggers) invitations for an ice-cold bottle of beer.

I know I have to resist liquor because I am scheduled to hit the road back home to Bukidnon a few minutes from now!

From partying, I’ll shift to traveling as a pilgrim of the road.

Anyway, there was a good crowd at the party, too. Kudos!

About Waltzib

A communication and journalism educator, peace researcher, and part-time journalist from Mindanao, Philippines

10 responses to “Davao bloggers’ party hangover”

  1. Dominique says :

    Great having met you. Next time, let’s try the photo with your eyes open =)

  2. Waltzib says :

    i know, i know. this is what I get when I don’t bring my camera (wa kay daghang choices). Sige lang, light travels faster than my eye blink pa japun. Si VIS man gud excited ra sa iyang mga prizes wa na nag 1-2-3.

  3. Janette Toral says :

    It is great that you made it to the event and hope you can also join us iBlog3!

  4. kat says :

    it really was a lotta fun! 🙂
    can’t wait for the next one.
    thnx for posting this pic, btw..nasaag pa akong dagway..hehe 🙂
    link tka, h?? hav a great day!

  5. Blogie says :

    hey thanks for the post! next party you’ll be there again, yes? 😉

  6. mindanaw says :

    Thanks for you comments! Kung kinsa man tong daghan photos (where I was seen bisan jacket nalang nakita) maluoy namo send a copy kay sayo sa buntag tawon ko gikantiyawan ni Dominique anang akong “beautiful eyes” diha. hehe.

  7. Miko Dela Cruz says :

    parang masaya ito!

  8. isko says :

    hala! lingawa ana sa inyong EB oi. heheh lami guro pagkaon didto ug inom noh? lami ilang kape diha sa netfront bai? best coffee in town man daw na?

  9. Waltzib says :

    Sorry wala taka na timbrehan! Ako ingnan CQ, labaw man pud wala ni tunga! We were supoz to come with Mr. Clean Slate pero he went to his granny’s wake diay. Even Claire the Cat did not make it.
    Lami daw ila kape doy (pero it tasted the same ra man, sori ha di ko cofi adik.) pero i tried it earlier not during the EB. Wala ko extra substance intake adto nga gabii kay pabiyahe ko Bukidnon.
    next time!

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  1. Moslemen M. Macarambon Jr. Blog » Davao Blog Party - a BLAST! - March 20, 2007

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